An Investigation of Zimbabwe's Different Path

End Notes

By Brendan Stone
Zimbabwe Watch
May 22, 2007

1. Odetola, Kola. "Saddam's Execution : the Western Anti-War Movement - the Left Boot of Imperialism?" Global Research. 1 Jan. 2007. MediaLens. 26 Mar. 2007
www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=KOL20070101&articleId=4272. (back)

2. Unknown Author, "From Bread Basket to Basket Case: Faced with Famine. Robert Mugabe Orders Farmers to Stop Growing Food," The Economist 29 Jun. 2002, 43-44. (back)

3. Kagoro, Brian, "The Opposition and Civil Society," Zimbabwe's Turmoil: Problems and Prospects, Ed. Richard Cornwell, Posted with Permission From Institute of Security Studies, 2003, 7, and Moss, Todd, and Stewart Patrick, "After Mugabe: Applying Post-Conflict Recovery Lessons to Zimbabwe," Africa Policy Journal 1 (2006): 21. (back)

4. Kagoro (2003), 7, and Moss and Patrick (2006), 22. (back)

5. Kagoro (2003), 8-10, and Moss and Patrick (2006), 21, 23-26. (back)

6. McLaughlin, Abraham, "With Party Win, Mugabe's Grip on Zimbabwe Tightens," Christian Science Monitor 4 Apr. 2005, 9 Mar. 2007 www.csmonitor.com/2005/0404/p10s01-woaf.html. (back)

7. Ibid. (back)

8. Elich, Gregory, Strange Liberators, Coral Springs, FL: Llumina Press, 2006. (back)

9. Sokwanele, "Crime Against Humanity : the Case for Urgent Action on Zimbabwe," Sokwanele Civic Action Support Group, 17 Oct. 2005, 9 Mar. 2007
www.sokwanele.com/articles/sokwanele/crimeagainsthumanity_17oct2005.html. (back)

10. Ankomah, Baffour, Interview with Phil Taylor, Taylor Report, 22 Aug. 2005, 1 Feb. 2007 www.taylor-report.com/audio/mp3/Taylor_Report-2005-08-22.mp3. (back)

11. Vidal, John, "Monster of the Moment," The Guardian 1 July 2005, 9 Mar. 2007 www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1518747,00.html. (back)

12. See: Ngcuka, Phumzile, "SADC Election Observer Mission Press Statement," SADC - News, 1 Apr. 2005, South African Development Community, 9 Mar. 2007 www.sadc.int/news/news_details.php?news_id=376. (back)

13. Lloyd, Robert B., "Zimbabwe: the Making of an Autocratic "Democracy,"" Current History (2002). (back)

14. Jacobs, Susie, "Gender and Land Reform: Zimbabwe and Some Comparisons," International Sociology 7 (1992): 5-34, and Palmer, Robin, "Land Reform in Zimbabwe, 1980-1990," African Affairs 89 (1990): 163-181. (back)

15. Deininger, Klaus, Hans Hoogeveen, and Bill Kinsey, "Benefits and Costs of Land Reform in Zimbabwe: with Implications for Southern Africa," Unpublished paper presented at the Understanding Poverty and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Conference held by the Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford. (2002). (back)

16. Gibbon, Peter, "Structural Adjustment and the Working Poor in Zimbabwe," United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance, 2005, 9 Mar. 2007, http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/CAFRAD/UNPAN007162.pdf, and Brett, Edward A., "From Corporatism to Liberalization in Zimbabwe," International Political Science Review 26 (2005): 91-106. (back)

17. Stamp, Judith, Interview with Phil Taylor, Taylor Report, 3 July 2006, 1 Feb. 2007 www.taylor-report.com/audio/mp3/Taylor_Report-2006-07-03.mp3. (back)

18. Elich (2006). (back)

19. Suttner, Raymond, "Democratic Transition and Consolidation in South Africa: the Advice of 'the Experts,'" Current Sociology 52 (2004): 756-756. (back)

20. Chuma, Wallace, "The Crisis of Framing a Crisis: the Sunday Times on Zimbabwe," Reporting Zimbabwe: Before and After 2000 Conference (2005). (back)

21. Moss and Patrick (2006), 23. (back)

22. Elich (2006), 281. (back)

23. BBC, "Zimbabwe Inflation Nears 1,600%," BBC News, 12 Feb. 2007, British Broadcasting Corporation, 22 Feb. 2007 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/6354783.stm. (back)

24. Sokwanele, "Crime Against Humanity : the Case for Urgent Action on Zimbabwe," Sokwanele Civic Action Support Group, 17 Oct. 2005, 9 Mar. 2007 www.sokwanele.com/articles/sokwanele/crimeagainsthumanity_17oct2005.html. (back)

25. Ankomah (2005). (back)

26. Vidal, John. "Monster of the Moment." The Guardian 1 July 2005. 9 Mar. 2007 www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1518747,00.html. (back)

27. Ibid. (back)

28. Ankomah (2005), and Chaulia, Sreeram, "Democratisation, Colour Revolutions and the Role of the NGOs: Catalysts or Saboteurs?" Centre for Research on Globalization, 25 Dec. 2005, 24 Mar. 2007 www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20051225&articleId=1638. (back)

29. Mallaby, Sebastian, "Zimbabwe's Enabler," Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2005, 22 Mar. 2007 www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23877-2005Apr3.html, and Sokwanele (22 Nov. 2005). (back)

30. Sokwanele (17 Oct. 2005), Sokwanele, "Our Turn Will Come!" This is Zimbabwe, 22 Nov. 2005, Sokwanele Civic Support Group, 22 Mar. 2007 www.sokwanele.com/thisiszimbabwe/archives/281, and Fenton, Anthony, "Legalized Imperialism?: "Responsibility to Protect" and the Dubious Case of Haiti," Briarpatch Magazine, 3 Dec. 2005, 22 Mar. 2007 http://briarpatchmagazine.com/news/?p=48. (back)

31. McLaughlin, Abraham, "With Party Win, Mugabe's Grip on Zimbabwe Tightens," Christian Science Monitor 4 Apr. 2005, 9 Mar. 2007 www.csmonitor.com/2005/0404/p10s01-woaf.html. (back)

32. Ngcuka, Phumzile, "SADC Election Observer Mission Press Statement," SADC - News, 1 Apr. 2005, South African Development Community, 9 Mar. 2007 www.sadc.int/news/news_details.php?news_id=376. (back)

33. Mallaby, Sebastian, "Zimbabwe's Enabler," Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2005, 22 Mar. 2007 www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23877-2005Apr3.html, and McLaughlin (2005). (back)

34. Ngcuka (2005). (back)

35. Willems (2005), 91-95, 97. (back)

36. Elich (2006), 277-278, and Palmer (1990), 164. (back) (back) (back)

37. Elich (2006) 278, Jacobs (1992), 7, and Palmer (1990), 164. (back)

38. Deininger (2002), 3, and Jacobs (1992), 8. (back)

39. Jacobs (1992), 8-9. (back)

40. Elich (2006), 278, and Jacobs (1992), 8-9. (back)

41. Jacobs (1992), 8. (back)

42. Elich (2006), 278. (back)

43. Jacobs (1992), 8. (back)

44. Deininger (2002), 3. (back)

45. Elich (2006), 278-279, and Jacobs (1992), 9. (back)

46. Sylvester, Christine, "Whither Opposition in Zimbabwe?" The Journal of Modern African Studies 33 (1995): 421-422. This hegemony translated into electoral success. As Sithole explains, prior to the 2000 election, the ZANU-PF had always carried at least 73% of Parliamentary seats. Sithole (2001), 160. (back)

47. Jacobs (1992), 12. (back)

48. Kapp, Clare, "Health and Hunger in Zimbabwe," The Lancet 364 (2004): 1569-1572. (back)

49. Laakso, Lisa, "The Politics of International Election Observation: the Case of Zimbabwe in 2000," Journal of Modern African Studies 40 (2002): 437-464. (back)

50. Brett (2005), 97. (back)

51. Palmer (1990), 165. (back)

52. Deininger (2002), 3. (back)

53. Ankomah (2005), Deininger (2002), 4., and Stamp (2006). (back)

54. Deininger (2002), 1. (back)

55. Deininger, (2002), 3-4, and Jacobs (1992), 13, 24. (back)

56. Ankomah (2005), and Stamp (2006). (back)

57. Sokwanele (17 Oct. 2005). (back)

58. Elich (2006), 280. (back)

59. Deininger (2002), 1. (back)

60. Elich (2006), 279. (back)

61. Deininger (2002), 1-7. (back)

62. Deininger (2002) 15-17, Moyo (1993), 8. (back)

63. Elich (2006), 279, Jacobs (1992), 13, and Palmer (1990), 177. (back)

64. Stamp (2006). (back)

65. Ankomah (2005). (back)

66. Stamp (2006). (back)

67. Willems (2005), 95-96. (back)

68. Ankomah (2005). (back)

69. Willems, Wendy, "Remnants of Empire? British Media Reporting on Zimbabwe," Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (2005): 97. (back)

70. Brett (2005), 93. (back)

71. Ibid, 92. (back)

72. Elich (2006), 280. (back)

73. Ibid, and Brett (2005), 90-93. (back)

74. Moore, John L., "National Centre for Biotechnology Information," Mugabe: Victim of the IMF and World Bank? 52 (2000): 84-87, Abstract. National Centre for Biotechnology Information. (back)

75. Gibbon, Peter, "Structural Adjustment and the Working Poor in Zimbabwe," United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance, 2005, 9 Mar. 2007. http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/CAFRAD/UNPAN007162.pdf (back)

76. Brett (2005), 92. (back)

77. Elich (2006), 359. (back)

78. Brett (2005), 102. (back)

79. Ibid, 97-99. (back)

80. Moore, J.L. (2000). (back)

81. Brett (2005), 100, Elich (2006), 281. (back)

82. Chossudovsky (2003), 100. (back)

83. Elich (2006), 281. (back)

84. Elich (2006), 281-282. Mubako suggests that Zimbabwe also angered the West in 2000 by participating in a SADC-approved stabilization mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]. U.S.-backed Uganda and Rwanda attempted to overthrow the DRC's government and install a new client regime, but Zimbabwe's troops assisted the government forces, stalling this process and creating a civil war situation. Mubako believes that this action by Zimbabwe infuriated the U.S., but not as much as the process of land reforms. Mubako, Simbi, "Zimbabwe Under Siege," Executive Intelligence Review 1 Mar. 2002, 24 Mar. 2007 www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/zimb_ambassador.html. (back)

85. Brett (2005), 93-94, 100. (back)

86. The IMF later attempted to corral other international financial institutions into denying credit to Zimbabwe. (Elich (2006), 287.) (back)

87. Elich (2006), 283-284. (back)

88. Ibid, 284-288. (back)

89. Chisango, Tadios, "Zimbabwe: the MDC Must Renounce the Sanctions," Race and History, 18 Mar. 2007, Zimbabwe Watch, 22 Mar. 2007 http://raceandhistory.com/selfnews/viewnews.cgi?newsid1174238748,95238,.shtml. (back)

90. Elich (2006), 284-288. (back)

91. Chisango (2007). (back)

92. Elich (2006), 292-293. (back)

93. Shaw (1986), 376-380. (back)

94. Lloyd (2002), 219, and Moore, David, "Democracy is Coming to Zimbabwe," Australian Journal of Political Science, 36 (2001): 166. (back)

95. Phimister and Raftopolous (2004), 396. (back)

96. Laakso (2002), 443-444, and Moore (2001), 166. (back)

97. Sylvester (1995), 410. (back)

98. In particular, during the period of trade liberalization ,ZANU-PF lost the support of students and the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. Gibbon (2005), 7. (back)

99. Lloyd (2002), 220-221. (back)

100. Sithole, Masipula, "Fighting Authoritarianism in Zimbabwe," Journal of Democracy 12 (2001): 162-163. (back)

101. Sithole (2001), 163-164. (back)

102. Lloyd (2002), 221, New African, "Why Mugabe is Right ... and These are the Facts," Race and History, June-July 2000, The New African. 23 Mar. 2007, http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/2000/june.html, and Sithole (2001), 165-168. (back)

103. Sithole (2001), 164-165. (back)

104. Laakso (2002), 448, Lloyd (2002), 220-221, Sithole (2001), 165,167. (back)

105. Ayinde, "Zimbabwe: Africans Know Whose Agenda the West Serves," Race and History, 19 Mar. 2007, 23 Mar. 2007 http://raceandhistory.com/selfnews/viewnews.cgi?newsid1174339858,73796,.shtml. (back)

106. Willems (2005), 102. (back)

107. Elich (2006), 282. (back)

108. Chossudovsky, Michel, The Globalization of Povery and the New World Order, 2nd ed., Shanty Bay: Global Outlook, 2003, and MDC, "Economic Prosperity," MDC: Movement for Democratic Change, 2006, 17 Mar. 2007 www.mdczw.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=32. (back)

109. Ekosso, Rosemary, "Zimbabwe: White Lies, Black Victims," Africa Speaks, 3 Aug. 2006, ekosso.com, 23 Mar. 2007 www.africaspeaks.com/articles/2006/0308.html. (back)

110. MDC, "Does Zimbabwe Need to Establish Strong Ties with the West (Europe and North America)?" MDC: Movement for Democratic Change, Mar. 2007, 17 Mar. 2007 www.mdczw.org/index.php?option=com_poll&task=results&id=16. (back)

111. Sithole (2001), 168. (back)

112. Elich (2006), 287. (back)

113. Elich (2006), 289-290. (back)

114. Ayinde (2007). (back)

115. Ibid, 316-318. (back)

116. Ibid, 318-319. (back)

117. Ibid, 318-321. (back)

118. Elich (2006) 321-322. (back)

119. Moore (2001), 167. (back)

120. Willems (2005), 101-102. (back)

121. Sylvester (1995), 405. (back)

122. Brett (2005), 95. (back)

123. Moore (2001), 163. (back)

124. Elich, Gregory, Interview with Mickey Z, Counterpunch, 15 Apr. 2005, 23 Mar. 2007 www.counterpunch.org/mickey04152005.html. (back)

125. Bernama, "President Mugabe Accuses EU of Meddling in Zimbabwe's Politics," Malaysian National News Agency 16 Mar. 2007, 18 Mar. 2007 www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news.php?id=251624. (back)

126. Elich (2006), 316. (back)

127. Suttner (2004), 755-756. (back)

128. Ibid, 757. (back)

129. Ibid, 757-758. (back)

130. Moyo (1993), 4. (back)

131. Ibid, and Sylvester (1995), 407-409. (back)

132. Moyo (1993), 6-9. (back)

133. Ibid, 7. (back)

134. Suttner (2004), 763-764. (back)

135. Ibid, 416-418. (back)

136. Black, Christopher. "Re: [a-List] (Fwd) China in Africa (Review of NewPambazuka.Org." Marxism Mailing List. http://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/marxism/index.htm. (back)

137. Phimister and Raftopolous (2004), 385, 387-389. (back)

138. Ibid, 399. (back)

139. Willems (2005), 102-103. (back)

140. Moss and Patrick (2006), 21. (back)

141. Ibid. (back)

142. Sokwanele (17 Oct. 2005). (back)

143. Phimister and Raftopolous (2004), 391. (back)

144. Phimister and Raftopolous (2004), 395. (back)

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