Reparations Can Help Repair Past Wrongs

It is very sad indeed that the issue of reparations for the descendants
of Africans enslaved in the Americas and for the destruction caused by
colonialism and slavery in Africa has been so quickly and easily pushed
out of importance by some. Yet, when one looks at the history of the
world, it has been the refusal to resolve such issues of wrongs done to
others that have led to horrible wars, revolutions and conflicts that
continue to rage after hundreds of years of not being resolved, the
continuation of hatred for the perpetrators and the longing for vengance
when the oppressed get into a position where they themselves become
powerful and can equal the score.
The history of Blacks in the Americas began thousands of years before
the birth of Christ, (see the great book; "A History of the
African-Olmecs:" Black Civilizations of America from Prehistoric Times
to the Present Era ) pub. by 1stbooks Library, 2595 Vernal Pike,
Bloomington, Indiana 47404 email: 1(800)839-8640 1(812) 339-6000
Yet, it was the Papal Edict of the mid 1400's A.D., that opened the way
to enslavement of the first Blacks seen in Africa and the Americas ny
the portugese a few years before 1492 and the Blacks of Black Moorish
origins in Europe during the same period.
Some of the early victims of enslavement in the Americas were the Black
Guanini, Caracoles and Garifunas (Black Caribs ...September issue of
National Geographic Magazine) who were found in the Caribbean and
Central America by the first Spanish explorers, who called them, "slaves
or our Lord."
These Africans who were in the Americas before Columbus were called
"slaves of our Lord," because the religious hierachy of Europe followed
the great lie called "the curse of Ham," as an excuse to enslave Blacks
found anywhere on earth.
Descendants of African Slaves in the Americas Deserve Reparations
The arguement that Blacks living today are not due reparations is itself
racist, hypocritical and has the potential to backfire in the faces of
those who claim no reparations are due. This collective attempt to deny
atroticities and to claim that Blacks today are not affected by the
violation of the human and natural rights of their ancestors for more
than three hundred years and the additional 100 years of legal Jim
Crowism (segregation and discrimination sunctioned by the states) is
more than just an example of denial and dishonesty.
This denial clearly goes against the idea that human beings are in fact
affected by brutality, oppression and all forms of evil metted against
them. It makes all recognition of atrocities done against others a farce
and any reparations paid to others mere apesement or worse yet, honest
recognition because they are not Blacks. This denial also makes a
mockery of one of the basic beliefs of Christianity, that we are born
with Adam and Eve's original sin.
After all, why teach bilions of people around the world about
"original sin," and how we carry such sin, which was committed tens of
thoiusands of years ago, yet crimes against humanity, atrocities,
brutality, dehumanization and continued oppression committed over the
past five hundred years by the ancestors of people who continue to reap
the benefits today, should be forgotten.
The legacy of racism and oppression since the end of slavery tilll
today, exists in par with the legacy of wealth, property, money and
power that exists today for the descendants of those who had slaves in
the Americas and those who had colonies and Africa.
Furthermore, when one looks at Blacks living today in North America,
Latin America and the Caribbean, the pattern of oppression, poverty,
destruction of culture and continued racism is a direct legacy of
slavery, Jim Crow (apartheid) and racism of the past.
In order to understand what slavery was all about, one has to do some
serious reading and research. The findings will show that slavery was
not merely Blacks working for twenty hours daily without pay. It was a
form of systematic genocide of people, their culture, their language and
their religion.
For example, some of the atrocities committed against slaves were so
horrible that not even animals were treated in such manner. For
example, slave codes established during the period of slavery give an
idea of the type of brutal atrocities committed against Blacks:
1. The slavemaster could dispose of slave belongings (there are modern
examples of this rule being applied to this day).
2. Slaves were forbidden to be together at any time or place (another
rule that applies to Blacks today)
3. Fugitive slaves caught, had their ears cut off (all one has to do is
look and one will find similar laws today).
4. Slaves were branded for trying to flee.
5. The hamstrings of slaves caught trying to flee were chopped off. A
third time they were killed.
5. On slave ships, African female slaves were brought up on deck to be
raped and were more valuable if pregnant. (Black women today are the
victims of sexual abuse. If pregnant and they cannot find work, like
slaves, they become the ward of the state, being forced to get rid of
their husbands, making their babies commodities and raising fatherless
(made fatherless on the advice of the welfare system) children that may
themselves be entangled in the system.
6. According to Vaissiere, on one plantation in the U.S., thirty slaves
hanged themselves, the planters cut of fthe heads and decorated his
rooms with them.
Anyone who remember the war in Angola during the seventies will remember
the same use of the heads of African soldiers being marched as trophies
in the streets of Luanda by the soliders of the colonialists.
7. The wives of planters (white women) were even more cruel than the
men, according to Baron de Wimpffen. In one example, a white woman
ordered her cook be thrown in the fire because the cook (a female)
served a pie that was burnt.
Today, racism by those who are the women of the race in power is well
organized. For example, the push to encourage abortion and
sterilization among "poor" and Black African women, is nothing but the
continuation of the racist eugenicist scheme began by the founder of
Planned Parents who wanted to eliminate the Blacks, poor whites, and
southern Europeans in the U.S., while proposing, "more children for the
fit, less for the unfit." (Magaret Sanger)
8. Slaves in Haiti (where some of the most horrible atrocities took
place and led to the extermination of the plantocracy), had to walk past
tall racks on which hang whips. The planters of Haiti used the whips to
cut the back of slaves to shreds. Today, Blacks are not flogged in public, however there are those who use the ballot box to keep Blacks powerless, to support forces of oppression and brutality against Blacks and to pass laws that are turning Blacks into modern slaves for stealing a cookie or a slice of pizza.
9. Lazininess and transgressions were punished by fifty lashes; wounds
were smeared with salt. Today, Black people, particularly men and women to some extent are deliberately not hired, no matter how educated they are. Jobs and higher positions are given to other people, who sometimes have absolutely no education at a level as high as the Blacks who are refused promotions.
10. A slave who attacked his or her master was roasted alive and his
flesh given to the dogs (The Black Book, Random House, p. 21)
Black folk who attack non-Blacks are liable to be punished at a very
severe rate compared to if they ttacked other Blacks. The rate of
execution for Blacks is also much higher.
11. Pregnant women were flogged; a whole was dug in the ground where
the stomachs were placd while they were being whipped.
In today's racist society, pregnant Black women are still chained to
their beds in some places, while they are giving birth. In other places
they are used on "chain gangs" as modern slaves.
12. Gunpowder was placed in the cavities of slaves, filled with
gunpowder and fuses placed in and set alight to blow up the slave.
13. Noses of slaves were chopped off.
14. Slaves were locked in barrels and rolled down hills. Those who
were seriously wounded or dying were left to dogs who ate them up.
Today's Blacks are deliberately confined with with disease infected
people, so they can be deliberately abused and infected. Such crimes
are in the category of "crimes against humanity," and are committed
daily against Blacks in the U.S.
The above examples are of atrocities committed during slavery compared
to similar atrocities committed today. Not only were these atrocities
committed, but thousands of other forms of brutality were committed
against slaves.
Slaves were forbidden from reading or writing and when caught, their
tongue was cut off they hands cut off or they were sold from their
wives, husbands and children.
Today, Black education which was designed for the children of
sharecroppers, (whose grandparents and parents were slaves), is of the
most inferiority and worse quality anywhere on earth. Today's Black
schoolchild in the U.S. is being trained for nothing but being a modern
The fact that in America today, there are laws that have been approved
by the white population to establish a modern form of slavery (example
manditory minimums, "three strikes," which are also being used in
England and Australia against Blacks) is evidence of the continuation of
the same policies developed during slavery being applied today.
The destruction done to Blacks throughout the Americas and Africa due to
European and Arab slavery is a crime against humanity. The refusal to
appologize and to take measures to repair the severe damage done to
Blacks around the world will lead to a long period of animosity and
anger among Blacks, unseen at anytime on this planet.
The idea that Black nations and those who have suffered from colonialism
and slavery and who continue to suffer from the effects of these
atrocities, will continue to remain poor, downgraded and powerless
nations is really foolhardy. In fact, the refusal to accept the
humanity of Africans will push Africans to take another althernative,
one that will lead to an economically, militarilly and politically
stronger Pan-Black (Pan-African) or Pan-Negritic world.
The fact of Black oppression is one that is a worldwide phenomena.
Blacks of African origins range from Blacks in Melanesia and the South
Pacific to India, South Arabia and parts of Asia.
These Blacks, although they belong to the prehistoric Black migrations
are still victims of the same type of racism that led to the racist
theories and sanctified racism of European religions, Semitic religions
and the caste system of India. All led and continue to lead to the type
of mental conditioning and cultural beliefs that still leads to the
oppression and exploitation of Blacks today and the enslavement of
Blacks in the past.
Soultions to the Refusal to Consider or Give Reparations
Black nations around the world, including Black communities and peoples
of Dalit/Tribal India who are of African origins, Melanesians,
Australian Aborigines, African-Americans, Afro-Latinos, Blacks in Europe
and worldwide should and must begin at once to work towards building a
strong and powerful Pan-Negritic or Black World Movement. This attempt
is very necessary in a world that is already becoming bi-polar and where
superpowers are loosing all influence and power around the world.
Black world power that works to eliminate poverty, disease and lack of
development can be organized first nationally, then regionally, then on
an international basis. For example, Black organizations in the U.S.
such as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People), the Urban League, and others should form a united government
(see the book, "Susu and Susunomics: The Theory and Practice of
Pan-African Economic, Cultural and Racial Self-Preservation," pub. by see preview at )
Black communities in Latin America should unite with Blacks in the
United States, Canada and the Caribbean (the Organization of Africans in
the Americas was founded for this purpose). With unity, the problems
faced in the Americas can be worked on, a strong and powerful voice can
be heard, a strong and powerful agenda and economy can be persued.
Unity between Black Dalits and Tribals in India with their kinsmen in
Africa, the Americas an other places is vital. In the case of the Black
Untouchables of India (Dalits, see ) it is simply a
matter of a lack of knowledge that has kept their plight from being
known by more people in the Americas.
Those Blacks and others who know of the plight of the Black Untouchables
(Dalits), the response as been overwhelming support. The objective of
Africans in Africa and the Diaspora is to work for Black world
unification and solidarity and to create a common agenda that protects
and serves Blacks around the world.
When Africans and Blacks around the world take the step towards
economic, cultural, political and military development and unification,
the entire issue of reparations, appologies for slavery and other
atrocities and wrongs done to Blacks from Africa to India and from the
Americas to Europe and Melanesia will be handled in a very different
manner. When one is powerful, strong and able to apply their will,
their desires are not quickly discarded.
Blacks in America can improve their power and influence in a matter of
ten years if each Black family decides to stay united, to encourage
strong family unity and begin a population boom and larger families.
Black America is up for heavy competition as millions and millions of
other people find themselves suddenly in competition with Blacks for
rights, benefits and the respect that the ancestors of Blacks have shed
blood, sweat and tears to attain over the past four hundred years in the
United States.
If no reparations are paid, the way to power and influence is to start a
Black population explosion and to double the Black population in a short
period of time. The fact is, there is power in numbers and if that was
not so, there would be no great effort at present to court people from
Spanish-speaking nations who are living in the U.S.
Paul Barton
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