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How the `Hindus' consist of several distinct races, negating definitions of Hinduism based on `One Hindu Race'. Also, how the various religions are not derivatives of `One Eternal Religion' Sanatana Dharma, but are of independant racial origins.

Myth of One Hindu Race

Myth of One Hindu Religion
By Hadwa Dom

3.1 The Different Indian Races

Sometimes definitions are put forward hypothesising that `Hindu' is a racial term, and that there supposedly exists `A Hindu Race'. This is a completely false guess, and this chapter explodes this myth of `One Hindu Race'. Indeed, there are a whole multitude of completely different races confounded under this hypothetical `Hindu' race :
Thus, there is no such thing as a `Hindu Race'. Such concepts exist only in the minds and books of bigoted Brahmin anthropologists.

3.2 Race and Religion

In all ancient cultures, race and religion were intricately linked. Each race had its own religion. In Europe, the Germanic race practiced its Germanic religion, the Greeks had the Greek or Hellenic religion, and the Slavs followed the Slavic religion. It thus follows, that since there is no one Hindu race, there is also no one Hindu religion. Hence the Sudroid races of Dravidians, Dalits, Adivasis and Kols all follow Shaivism or Sudric Religion. The Aryans follow Vedism and Vaishnavism, collectively referred to as the 6 orthodox (`astika') schools of Brahmanism. The Mongoloids generally follow Shaktism, while the Sino-Tibetan peoples follow Tantrism.

3.2.1 Vedic Origin of Vaishnavism

Vishnu is one of the gods which were worshipped by the Vedic Aryans. He was not one of the more important ones, yet he oultived all his Vedic rivals to become the supreme god of the Aryan Religion. How was this possible ? Because of his feature of incarnation : Most other Vedic gods (Indra, Brahma, etc.) were declared as incarnations of Vishnu, as were many other minor non-Vedic Aryan tribal dieties (eg. the deified king Rama, and Krishna). Similarly, many local pre-Brahmanic gods were declared as incarnations of Vishnu, leading to the spread of the Vaishnava religion. Soon, the original Vedic religion split into two faiths : Vedism and Vaishnavism. Pockets of pure Aryan Vaidiks, who refused to follow the Puranas and other Vaishnava scriptures, remained. The division is analogous to that between Jews and Christians. Just as the Christians accept the Judaic Pentateuch, but have additional texts, so the Vaishnavas accept the Vedas but follow additional scriptures. Vaishnavism and Vedism are as much separate religions as Judaism and Christianity. However, they are still grouped under the term of `Brahmanism'. Two pre-Aryan gods could not be incorporated in this Vaishnava pantheon: these were Shiva (the Dravidian God) and Mahadev (the Tibetic God of Tantrism).

3.2.2 Tibetic Origin of Tantrism

The original religion of the Sino-Tibetan peoples of India and Tibet was Bon religion, what may be called Proto-Tantrism, since many concepts of Tantrism can be found in Bon religion. The mad fantasy propagated by the modern-day Aryan Vaidikas and Vaishnavas holds that this Tantrism is a derivative of Vedic religion. Such fallacies have no foundation in any of the Vedic texts. Please keep in mind that the Vedic Aryans are those same monsters who invaded India, destroying the Harappan civlization, smashing thousands of Shaiva and Shakta temples. These barbarians raped, looted and destroyed the Indus Valley cities till no trace of them remained. Are such people even capable of imagining such an intellectual philosophy as Tantrsim, let alone be the originators of such a faith?

The answer is no. It cannot be. And I shall prove that below. The Tantric religion has been presecuted by the Brahmanist fanatics of the 6 orthodox schools for over two thousand years, and the Sinto-Tibetan peoples have been exterminated from many parts of India by the racist Vedic Aryans. That Tantrism is of Tibetan origin, being derived from the ancient Bon TIbetan religion, is evident from the following :

`Chinese Rites' - Tantrism is referred to as `The Chinese Rites' in the Indian Tantric texts themselves [ Alchmey, p.149 ], indicating their origin from `China' or Tibet, `Mahachina' being reserved for China Proper.

              Old Bon Tibetic Religion

            /          /       \     \

          /  Uttara Tantrism   Bon    Purbi (East Indic) Shaktism

     Lamaism    /     |                /        \       \

              /       |         Bengal     Assamese     Orissa

  Kashmir Shaivism    |        Tantrism     Tantrism     Tantrism

    Tantric Islam, Nath cult etc.   |             \

                           Vaishnava Sahajiya   Kamakhya

                             etc.                 Cult etc.

The Brahminist objection that the extant Tantras are very late and date to the centuries AD is without consequence. The Tantras which survived the Brahminic persecutions are renditions and copies of copies of ancient texts and practices. No Vedic text is found on paper earlier than the 11th century (paper was introduced by the Moslems), but that does not mean that the Vedas were composed in the Islamic era. Similarly, these Tantras were composed in Tibet in the early centuries BC, and only written down much later after centuries of oral transmission.

Thus, Tibet is the fountainhead of Tantrism, and in fact all mystic knowledge in the East.

3.2.3 African Origin of Sudroid Shaivism

3.2.4 Mon-Khmer Origin of Shaktism

Shaktism, involving the veneration of Shakti, is still a major religion of the Mon-Khmer races of India. That this religion is of non-Vedic Mon-Khmer origin is proven by the following facts :

3.3 Race Wars

Indeed, the Vedic race wars continue to this day. In Bihar, for instance, various Brahmin militias like the Ranvir Sena have been engaged in racial conflict with Dalit Blacks, who have joined mainly Maoist Communist outfits. To give just one example, the Brahminic Ranvir Sena butchered 23 Blacks to `celebrate' the 50th Republic Day :
"[ T ]o mark the 50th Republic Day, an outlawed army of upper caste landlords massacred at least 23 Dalits in the badlands of Bihar."
-- Times of India, Jan 28, 1999

These conflicts are a continuation of the Vedic race wars between Aryas and Sudras. Indeed, since 1500 BC, the history of India has been one of constant racial warfare between the white Aryans and the black Sudras (Dalits, Dravidians and Kolarians). Some measure of peace returned during the Delhi Caliphate of Mughalstan, but after the collapse of that state the classic race wars resumed.

There is hence no `One Hindu Race'. There are, and have been, a multitide of perpetually conflicting different races. All attempts to base a definition of `Hindu' on a racial basis have failed and have been discarded. It is thus clear that Hinduism never was one monolithic religion. Such a concept was invented much later, during the 19th-20th centuries during Anglo-Brahmin ascendancy.


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