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March 30, 2002 - May 2, 2002

Judge releases Guardian correspondent
Posted: Thursday, May 2, 2002

Staff and agencies
Thursday May 2, 2002
Guardian UK

A Zimbabwean judge today released the Guardian's Zimbabwe correspondent, Andrew Meldrum, and two other journalists charged with violating the country's media laws.

Harare magistrate Lilian Kudya ordered police to release Mr Meldrum, 50, and two reporters from Zimbabwe's independent Daily News, Lloyd Mudiwa and Collin Chiwanza. The three were ordered to return to court on Friday.

The journalists were accused of breaching the laws by reporting last week on the killing - allegedly by ruling party supporters - of a woman near the town of Karoi, 120 miles north-west of Harare.
More ... Arrogant Guardian UK article

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Guardian reporter arrested for false decapitated story
Posted: Thursday, May 2, 2002

Owen Bowcott
The Guardian UK

The story that led to Meldrum's arrest was published last week. It reported claims in the Daily News that Brandina Tadyanemhandu, 53, a mother of eight, had been decapitated by supporters of the ruling party near Karoi, 120 miles north-west of Harare. The Times and the Independent carried the same story.

The account was partially based on the husband's report of the incident. Doubts have since been raised about his credibility. The opposition Movement for Democratic Change said it might have been tricked into paying him compensation to cover burial expenses. Other government critics say the story might have been concocted to embarrass the press. The MDC and the Daily News are investigating. MORE

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Tainted U.S. oil supplies from Africa's Switzerland
Posted: Monday, April 29, 2002

By Wole Akande

(YellowTimes.org) – It is hard to imagine a country with a lower public profile than Equatorial Guinea. Even though the tiny African nation was the setting for "Tropical Gangsters," a best-selling book of development, structural adjustment and the problems that sometimes go with it, few people outside West Africa could probably place it on the right continent.

Easily overlooked between Gabon and Cameroon - where it occupies both an island and a sliver of mainland - Equatorial Guinea was relatively prosperous for a few years after gaining independence from Spain in 1968, largely due to a thriving cocoa business. But years of authoritarian rule and mismanagement dragged the country into an economic abyss as deep as the oil fields off its coasts.

"Equatorial Guinea is one of the most backward countries in the world," wrote Robert Klitgaard in his book. But that was ten years ago. Today, according to the latest "Country Analysis Briefs" on Equatorial Guinea, published April 9, 2002 by the U.S. government agency Energy Information Administration (EIA), the small West African dictatorship Equatorial Guinea has become "the fourth largest destination for American investments in sub-Saharan Africa, behind only South Africa, Nigeria, and Angola." Recent offshore oil discoveries, and the prospects for additional finds, now make Equatorial Guinea "one of the leading areas for oil exploration in sub-Saharan Africa."

Contemporary economic developments in Equatorial Guinea have been dominated by rapid growth in the country's oil sector. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth was estimated at 65.0 percent in 2001, up from the 16.9 percent growth in 2000, and narrowly missing the amazing 71.2 percent GDP growth witnessed in 1997. EIA reports that economic growth is "expected to remain strong with Real GDP growth of 33 percent in 2002 and 12 percent in 2003."

Equatorial Guinea recently has "emerged as an important oil producer in the Gulf of Guinea, one of the world's most prospective hydrocarbon regions," the EIA analysis explains. Oil production from Equatorial Guinea averaged 181,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) in 2001. Equatorial Guinea's oil production had increased more than tenfold since 1996.

The U.S. agency expects that continuing exploration activities and field development "could see production again increase dramatically over the next few years." The Norwegian company Norland Consultants had estimated that an estimated U.S. $3.4 billion would be invested in offshore field development projects in Equatorial Guinea between 2000 and 2004. Production currently comes from three offshore fields, with two located offshore Bioko and the third offshore the mainland enclave of Rio Muni.

Thanks to oil, Equatorial Guinea boasts one of the highest per capita gross domestic products in Africa, although sadly, few of the benefits have yet to be felt in important sectors such as health and social welfare.

Even though the EIA report provides a small summary of the political situation in the country, conveniently the systematic human rights violations are not mentioned. However, in his January 2002 report, presented before the UN Commission on Human rights, Mr. Gustavo Gallón, the Special Representative of the Commission for Equatorial Guinea, stressed that "the human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea has been a matter of concern to the Commission on Human Rights for longer than that of any other country."

The Equatorial Guinean opposition opposes the strong increase in foreign investment while the country is governed by Dictator Teodoro Obiang and the oil revenue does not reach the country's citizens. Investing in the country was "marginalizing our people together with the Equatorial Guinean opposition," the opposition party UDI stated. "Not one dollar arriving from the oil and gas exploitation and commercialization figures in neither the national budget or in the accounts of any other public agency," a party spokesman said.

Since the oil boom that started in 1997, Equatorial Guinea has not only been a target of pressure to improve its disastrous human rights situation, it has also been able to spend its new riches on pressuring other countries not to intervene in its affairs. Now an "African Switzerland," repression of the political opposition is stronger than ever but outside pressure remarkably low.

According to Amnesty International, "the need for ongoing international monitoring has dramatically increased since March 2002 when more than one hundred people, both civilians and military and security personnel, were arrested and are still held in detention, for alleged links with the Fuerza Democrática Republicana (FDR), Republican Democratic Force, an unofficial opposition party."

A wave of arrests - officially because a military coup was planned, allegedly in preparation of the upcoming presidential elections - has claimed its first victims; Guillermo Nguema Elá, a former Minister of Finance and opposition leader, reportedly died by the injuries he sustained during torture in detention. Relatives of FDR leader Felipe Ondó Obiang, former President of the Equatorial Guinean parliament, also fear he has succumbed to torture in a Bata prison. Three of the latter's sons and a pregnant woman are also detained for their family relations to opposition politicians.

Amnesty also deplored "the fact that the families are being denied access to their relatives and that nobody knows where they are currently being held." The group received "reliable information from eyewitnesses" who saw some of these detainees in prison with visible marks of torture during their first days of detention. Accordingly, the human rights organization agrees with the opposition's allegations that "torture by security forces is routine in Equatorial Guinea."

Unfortunately, such humanitarian issues in oil producing African countries like Equatorial Guinea do not concern American government officials. Oil is one of the main reasons why the U.S. policy makers are focusing on the African continent. In fact, it is the most valuable export encouraged by Washington from the continent. On February 11, 2002, the Kenyan Weekly newspaper, The East African, summed up this interest by reporting: "Speaking recently at a Washington forum on African oil's increasing importance to the U.S., Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Walter Kansteiner declared, "It is undeniable that this has become of national strategic interest to us." Added Congressman Edward Royce, chair of the House of Representatives subcommittee on Africa: "African oil should be treated as a priority for U.S. security post-September 11."

The paper adds: "American military and economic policy regarding Africa may thus focus more closely in coming years on those few sub-Saharan nations that export significant amounts of oil to the U.S. Non-oil producing countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda could consequently receive less attention from the architects of Washington's Africa policy.

"U.S. officials taking part in a January 25 forum argued that sub-Saharan oil-exporting countries are less likely than their Arab counterparts to use oil as a weapon to wrest concessions from the U.S. Political discord or dispute in African oil states is unlikely to take on a regional or ideological tone that would result in a joint embargo by suppliers at once, said Robert Murphy, an economist in the State Department's Office of African Analysis."

Congressman Royce stated in simpler terms that it is very, very difficult to imagine a Saddam Hussein in Africa. The congressman's remarks were reported in South Africa's Business Day newspaper.

Accordingly, with no end in sight to the volatility in the Middle East, it is more likely than ever that African oil producing dictators such as Equatorial Guinea’s Obiang will continue to be the darling of the U.S. government and powerful American corporate interests despite his unsavory record of frightening human rights violations. Despite Washington’s rhetoric of freedom and liberty, once again human rights are sacrificed for the sake of treasured commercial interests.

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Support for French Facists: Blessing in Disguise
Posted: Sunday, April 28, 2002

By Pianke Nubiyang


There should be no surprise by anyone who knows the history of France, that France or a portion of the French population will have a putrid racist bone and that every time France and its people try to apply that racist mentality against Blacks, they the French are usually soundly defeated.

Fact one: The first people in France were prehistoric Africans. They lived in parts of Southern France, created many paintings and cave art throughout the region. It was in France that the Negroid featured "Cromagnon," people existed many thousands of years after the Grimaldi Negroids (watch the program about "Eve."), expanded to Europe. It was also in France that the first "Mongoloid" mixed-race type is said to have originated about fifteen thousand years ago. The name for that type of human is "Compe Combelle Man."

Caucasians as a race did not appear in existance in France and other parts of Europe untill about twenty to thirty thousand years after the first Africans arrived in France and the rest of Europe from Africa. The change from dark-skinned Negroid Africans to fair-skinned "Caucasian" was a process that came about due to the Ice-Age conditions in France and the living in caves of the early Africans. Hence, if there was no Ice Age in the north, the people would have remained Negroid/Black. Furthermore, in Tasmania, where the temperature is sometimes similar to Vladivostok and quite cold, some of the darkest Africoid peoples existed and still exist. These are Australian Aborigines and Tasmanians.


The African experience with France is one of pure racism, colonialism and brutality. Yet, some of the worse defeats suffered by the French has been at the hands of Africans. It was French brutality during slavery in Haiti that led to the Haitian Revolution. The French with their multiple personalities, applied "code noir" in Haiti against African slaves and introduced some of the most brutal laws and treatment of Africans on earth. Yet, the same French slavemasters wanted to breed a "mulatto" or mixed race by ravaging and forcing the Africans into relations with the poor white surfs sent to Haiti and with some of the slavemasters who had their own harems in parts of Haiti.

Black soldiers and guerillas in Haiti, including the ordinary Black men and Black women slaves meted out a brutal war against the French (see the book, "Night of Fire,") and the upcoming (A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming). Napoleon's brother Le Clerc was defeated and during that war about 250,000 French troops, planters and their families and slaves perished.

During the wars in West Africa to eliminate French colonialism, the French sent their armies against Samore Toure (nicknamed "The Napoleon of the Sudan,"). He defeated the French in many battles before he was defeated. The Mossi States of West Africa had some of the most enlightened leaders in Africa. They saw the great scheme of trickery and genocide that occurrs as soon as the Europeans began entering their territory. They saw the trickery and lies used by missionaries. They rejected the idea of any integration, sexual relations or collaboration with the French or any of the other colonial powers.

Unlike some of us Blacks today, who are fooled and brainwashed by the genocidal trick of 'integration" and mixing out of existence with the worse of the majority, the Africans of West Africa during the colonial period, Blacks of the Caribbean and even Black traditionalists in New Caledonia and the South Pacific have rejected and refused the trickery of the French, who will willfully pretend to accept Blacks as equal by defiling Black women and having "mullato" offspring who they train to hate the Black mother and Black people, while at the same time supporting facism, nazism and racism.


The French practically control the economy of West Africa. They are in the Caribbean and the South Pacific, especially New Caledonia, where their racism is rabid. If 25 percent of French middle class "enlightened" people will support modern Facism, that prods many to consider the French to have a significant racist element who simply tolerate the victims of Freench colonialism who clean the toilets and streets, work in the markets and live in the slums of France, and who come From African, Caribbean, South Pacific and North African lands that were former colonies of France.


The rise of facism in France has not gone on without an equal and opposite reaction in Africa, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. In parts of West Africa, French control of the resources of these nation is quite expansive. They control everything from the importation of french bread to taking water from West Africa, sending it to France and reselling it as bottled water. The textile, iron, gold, and many industries of African origins and from African soil is controlled by Foreigners from France and the Middle East. These are the immigrants in Africa who come from France and who controle the economy of African nations, while Africans are starving.

Africans in Europe have made it clear already that any expulsion of Africans or any harrassment of Africans in France or any part of Europe will be met with retaliation. The question is who has the most to loose?? Obviously, Africans will have full controle of their nations economies when French racism and brutal treatment or expulsion of Africans from France brings about the expulsion of the hundreds of thousands of French who live in West Africa and who dominate the economies there.

On the other hand, African nations will gain from all the technically skilled Africans who will return to Africa to help rebuild their nations. These nations were economically ravaged by French colonialism in the first Place. Hence, the damage done by the French colonialists can be repaired.

French colonialism in Martinique, guadeloups and French Guyana is also of concern to the Blacks living in these lands who want their independence. With the facists in power, France will be tempted to expell these Afro-French citizens who come from these "departments" or colonial outposts of France but whose original homelands are under French colonial domination.

Again, Blacks in Martinique, French Guyana, Guadeloupe want the French out of their lands and the idea of Black Nationalism and Negritude in these nations is rising with a potency even more devastating to French neo-colonial interests than the devastation that would come if the French expell African/Blacks who have been living in France sice the Moorish period.

The French racists and neo-facists cannot have their cake and eat it too. If the French don't want Blacks in their nations, then they need to start packing up from West Africa, the South Pacific, "French" West Indies and elsewhere.
If the French racists and facists want to make Blacks in France scapegoats, then the idea of Negritude and Black nationalism in the French Caribbean and the South Pacific must continue to explode as it is already.


After the racists have gotten their agenda and Africans and other victims of French colonialism, slavery and racial mixing by force and trickery have returned to their native lands, THE IDEA OF BANTUIZATION OR AFRICANIZATION (OR MELANIZATION IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC) SHOULD BEGIN.
The French language should be banned from all African nations.
The French religion (the one introduced to Africa/Black nations by the French and others) should be banned, and traditional religions should retuern (the Haitian response to French racism, brutality and slavery was the development of Vadu, which contributed to the spritual power and confidence needed to defeat the French slavemasters and colonialists).

All aspects of French culture should be banned from all African/Black nations. As Africans, we have our own cultures, religions, languages, customs and world view. We don't need to adopt the customs and language of any group of people who dispise us, whether they are French, British, Semite or others. We should work to improve African culture and change those that are not going to help make progress today.

Eliminate all French names: All French names should be eliminated. Why carry the names of people who scapegoat Blacks in France or have a racist mentality. Why carry their names, their ligions or their culture. As Africans who invented culture, it is our duty to find our own.


There is only one Africa, Afrophone Black Africa.
The idea that Africa is for any colonialist who invaded, ravaged, enslaved and settled on African lands is totally absurd. If one is Negro, Black and is of African ancestry, lineage, blood origins and race, one is African. The violater of African women in North Africa, cannot be allowed to declare the offspring as belonging to his 'race" or group, because African tradition makes it clear; we trade our lineage by our mother's side in some African cultures and by our father's side in others, or by both in many. In the case of Sudan, where African women are being violated by occupiers of African lands, that violation is a crime and the invader's blood is not African. He having violated an African women also as no right to claim any rights as far as African traditions are concerned. Hence, as far as Black people are concerned (especially 300 million Blacks in the Americas who are victims of the ravaging of our ancestors), Africans in Sudan or elsewhere with the blood of the invader is African and no separate group, "mixed," "colored," or "multiracial" group whose father or legacy is one of the rape of African women should be recognized. The relationship was forced and therefore is not recognizable. In the U.S., Latin America, the U.s., the Caribbean, Europe, Melanesia, India and Australila, Blacks who are mixed should reject the idea of "multiracialism" as a positive, when its aim (especially in Middle Eastern, Latin and Asian nations is to destroy Africans and steal their culture. (Read more about ancient Black civilizations, "Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," pub. by 1stBooks Library, 2595 Vernal Pike, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 U.S.A. email; 1stbooks@1stbooks.com www.1stbooks.com

Finally, the tide of racism in France and Europe against Blacks is nothing new. It is part of the feeling of superiority gone bust, because the "superior" finds out their original roots and it destroys their feeling of superiority. Yet, as long as we Blacks around the world contine to follow the culture, religions, languages, customs and beliefs of the Europeans, Arabs, Latin Americans and others and reject our own, they will always feel superior to us. As long as all our learned men and women, experts, doctors scientists and educators continue to help these nations develop while our own nations and communities continue to deterioriate, they will continue to turn their noses at us. As long as we continue to have pictures of people who resemble Europeans and worship these as "God" while believing that we depend on them and not on our own will and the power within us, they will always look down on us.
Its time to reject those who reject us.

There should be no acceptance of any descendants of invaders of Africa as "Africans." The term "African" should be restricted to Black people, just as "European," and "Chinese" is restricted to certain people. Do the French recognize the Africans/Blacks who have been living in France since prehistoric times as "European?" Absolutely not. Otherwise, they would not support facists and those who think solving France's or Europe's problems is expelling (as the Caucasians have done sine they invaded from Central Asia), the Black Negroid peoples who have been in Europe since prehistoric times.


Europe is going through one of its usual "multiple personality," periods again. Since Roman times, Europe has seen various peoples settled in the region. in fact, the first people in Europe were Negroid Africans, who lived in the entire region. About 3500 B.C., people called Kurgans invaded from Central Asia. Blacks were driven Southward or racially absorbed (one of the tricks used today to eliminate Black Americans, by encouraging racial intermarriage and mixing). The Kurgans also used warfare to gain their aims (see the book, "Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," pub. by iUniverse Inc., www.iuniverse.com ). Blacks also dominated parts of Europe long before the "Indo-Europeans" entered from Central Asia about 1700 B.c. During the Middle Ages from about 711 A.D. to 1492 A.D., Blacks occupied Southern Europe and Spain and contributed to the development of Spain and the rest of Europe. From the slavery period to today (1400's to 2002 Blacks from Africa and Northern Africa have existed in Europe).
These are the facts. Since the last expulsion of African Moors from Spain (of which millions spread throughout Europe, including Southern France) and millions more were enslaved, Blacks/Africans have lived in France and have contributed to the development of Europe.


The support of facism by 25 percent of the French population and by a significant proportion of the European population has to be met with an equally and more nationalistic reaction by Blacks. After all, who has suffered from European racism, colonialism and brutality more than Blacks including those who live in Europe. Which nation enslaved Africans for four hundred years and ravaged African resources? Which linguistic group ravaged Congo and cut the hands of Africans who could not work fast enough?

Africans have survived racism from the policy of Semites in North Africa and Sudan who are committing genocide. Africoid people in Indonesia and West Papua are suffering from the same racism and sanctified racism that brought about the racism used by Christians and Christian nations to use as an excuse to enslave and dehumanize Blacks.
Mythology and lies have been in the forefront of many of the racist policies being used by the Semites and Europeans along with others. In order to destroy this mentality and the effects of these mentalities, Blacks in Europe, the Americas, North Africa, Indonesia, Africa, the Caribbean and India/Asia must unite and return to the the ideas of Pan-Negroism (Pan-Africanism/Black Nationalism).

The objective of eliminating colonialism from Black lands is far from finished. That colonialism also includes religious colonialism and sanctified racism practiced by Blacks in parts of the Middle East and S.E. Asia.
The most effective response to facism and racism, religious racism and neo-colonialism is Black nationalism, development of Black economies around the world, rejection and elimination of the cultures and habits, religions and customs of racists from Europe and the Middle East, India and East Asia. The rejection of all their racist religious teachings and the return to the acceptance of Black as equal and capable as all other humans.

Let the French have France. But French in African nations and the Caribbean and the Black South Pacific must be prepared to return to France and Let Blacks in Black lands with French invaders and exploiters return to France. If there is going to be a reorganization of this planet, let all the colonialists return to their original homelands. Finally, its time for Black nations to return to Black nationalism, Negritude and building self-confidence by putting Black/African culture,religions, language and customs at the top and rejecting the culture of the racists.


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Karoi murder story a Daily News, MDC lie
Posted: Sunday, April 28, 2002

Herald Reporter

THE Karoi woman the MDC and the Daily News claimed was beheaded by Zanu-PF supporters never existed, investigations have revealed — exposing the opposition party and newspaper's unrelenting stream of lies.

Investigations by The Herald, police and even the MDC and Daily News have shown that the murder victim, Brandina Tadyanemhandu, never existed.

The false story "broken" by The Daily News without elementary checks saw the MDC and the newspaper paying money to a man, Enos Tadyanemhandu, who claimed to be the victim’s husband. The cooked up story was published widely across the world.

Villagers and headman of the Magororo area where the supposed grisly murder was reportedly carried out, yesterday were shocked at the story.

Headman Jeke said the false story had caused a lot of anxiety in the community as well as unwarranted attention.

Sources yesterday said the Daily News reporter, Lloyd Mudiwa, had relied on information provided by the MDC treasurer in Mashonaland West, Godfrey Gumbo, who brought Enos Tadyanemhandu to the MDC offices at Harvest House on Monday. MORE

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Mwanawasa blasts West
Posted: Sunday, April 28, 2002

From Bulawayo Bureau

THE West cannot teach African countries democracy because they were oppressors, who had to be fought in order for Africans to liberate themselves, visiting Zambian President Mr Levy Mwanawasa said yesterday.

"We have nothing to learn from them. We taught them democracy. We were denied our right to liberate ourselves therefore we fought. We understand democracy more than them," President Mwanawasa said.

The Zambian leader, who is also the current chairman of the Africa Union, was speaking at a joint press conference with President Mugabe after officially opening the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in Bulawayo. MORE

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Teach children correct history
Posted: Thursday, April 18, 2002

Presidential Reporter

President Mugabe yesterday said teachers should impart Zimbabwe’s correct history and instil pride in schoolchildren so that they appreciate the struggle that was fought for the country’s freedom and independence.

Cde Mugabe said the teachers should also impart a deep sense of reality that the country belonged to no one else but the children of Zimbabwe who were its future leaders. MORE

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MDC exhibits double-dealing
Posted: Saturday, April 13, 2002

By Phillip Magwaza

A leopard does not change its spots! How true for the MDC! While it was trying to hoodwink the nation into believing that it genuinely wanted dialogue, they were also compiling a court challenge against the presidential election result.

Yesterday, the MDC filed a court petition in the High Court challenging the presidential election and alleging that there was massive rigging.

This is the very same party which was pushing very hard for an election re-run to be the only item on the agenda of the talks with the ruling party.

How it now expects Zimbabweans to believe that it is serious about helping to solve the country’s many problems is mind-boggling.

MDC leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai had said he was against a court challenge but gave in to the strong influence of his white handlers.

But are there grounds for the legal challenge?

The courts will now have to decide on that. MORE

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MDC must stop making inflammatory statements
Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2002

IT IS commendable that, at last, Zanu-PF and MDC have agreed on an agenda and despite what might transpire in the future the initial hurdle has been overcome in the inter-party dialogue.

The two parties have expressed willingness to put the country first and self later in this exercise to create an atmosphere conducive to nation building and not what has been the norm, that foreign interests have taken precedence.

It is still too early to read into the success of the inter-party dialogue as the areas of discussion are in themselves a hindrance to the eventual success of the whole exercise. The insistence by both parties on certain points is an indicator they are indeed at variance. MORE

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African Newspapers
Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2002

Accra Mail (Accra)
A bi-weekly newspaper published Monday and Thursday

Addis Tribune (Addis Ababa)
Business-oriented weekly from the Ethiopian capital

African Eye News Service (Nelspruit)
Independent investigative news agency focusing on south-eastern Africa

African Soccer Magazine (London)
Africa's leading monthly football magazine
Archive only Aug 2000 - Jun 2001

Altervision (Abidjan)

L'Avenir (Kinshasa)

Business Day (Johannesburg)
South Africa's major business-oriented daily

Cairo Press Review (Cairo, Egypt)
Daily summary of the Egyptian Press

Cape Argus (Cape Town)
Major afternoon daily in South Africa's legislative capital

Concord Times (Freetown)
Independent daily from Sierra Leone

The Daily News (Harare)
A national daily published by the Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe

The Daily Observer (Banjul)
Daily independent newspaper from Gambia

Daily Trust (Abuja)
Abuja based daily newspaper focused on northern Nigerian affairs.

The East African (Nairobi)
Business-oriented regional weekly from the Nation Group

The East African Standard (Nairobi)

Expo Times (Freetown)
Fortnightly news from Sierra Leone
Archive only Sep 1998 - Jun 2001

Financial Gazette (Harare)
Weekly business coverage of Zimbabwe and southern African

Ghanaian Chronicle (Accra)
Weekly newspaper published in Accra, Ghana

The Guardian (Lagos)
Nigeria's leading independent daily newspaper

Guinéenews (Toronto)
Daily reporting from Guinea and the surrounding region

The Herald (Harare)
Government-owned newspaper published in the capital city

ITWeb (Johannesburg)
Technology & business news service from South Africa

The Independent (Banjul)
Gambian bi-weekly paper published Monday and Friday

The Independent (Accra)
Ghanaian weekly published Thursday

The Insider (Harare)
Business-oriented monthly that provides a daily e-mail service

Internews (Arusha)
Agency reporting on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Le Jour (Abidjan)
Daily published in Abidjan, commercial capital of Cote d'Ivoire

Le Journal de l'Economie (Dakar)
Weekly publication on Senegal's economy
Le Journal du Jeudi (Ouagadougou)

Libération (Casablanca)
Francophone Moroccan Daily

Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg)
South African weekly newspaper and internet pioneer

Le Marabout (Ouagadougou)
Mensuel satirique africain

Midi Madagasikara (Antananarivo)
Midi Madagasikara est le premier quotidien national d'information diffusé à Madagascar. Créé en 1983 par Marthe Andriambelo, il est édité par la société anonyme du même nom.

Miningweb (Johannesburg)
Global mining and resources investment

Mmegi/The Reporter (Gaborone)
Botswana weekly published Friday

Moneyweb (Johannesburg)
South African finance, investment business and economics.

The Monitor (Kampala)
Uganda's privately owned daily

Mopheme/The Survivor (Maseru)
Botswana weekly published Friday

The NEWS (Monrovia)
Liberian news weekly news published in Monrovia
The Namibian (Windhoek)
Leading independent daily published in Windhoek

The Nation (Nairobi)
Major private Kenyan daily and Sunday newspaper

New Vision (Kampala)
Uganda's largest daily and Sunday newspaper

Newswatch (Lagos)
Leading Nigerian weekly news magazine

The North Africa Journal (Boston, USA)
Analysis and commentary on North Africa

Notre Voie (Abidjan)

L'Observateur Paalga (Ouagadougou)

Panafrican News Agency (Dakar)
Africa's largest continent-wide news organization
Archive only Aug 1997 - Jul 2001

Le Patriote (Abidjan)
Daily Ivorian newspaper

The Perspective (Smyrna, Georgia)
Liberian opposition magazine published in Atlanta

The Point (Banjul)
Gambian independent published three times a week

The Post (Lusaka)
Crusading and award-wining Zambian daily

The Post Express (Lagos)
Nigerian national daily published in Lagos

Screen Africa (Johannesburg)
Monthly coverage of the entertainment industry
Archive only Apr 1999 - Feb 2000

Sidwaya (Ouagadougou)

Le Soleil (Dakar)

South African Press Association (Johannesburg)

SouthScan (London)
A bulletin of Southern African Affairs

The Sowetan (Johannesburg)
South Africa's largest black-oriented daily

Sud Quotidien (Dakar)

Synergy Africa (Lusaka)
A website on Zambian and other African commercial activities and news

This Day (Lagos)
Leading independent daily published in Lagos, Nigeria

The Times of Zambia (Ndola)
Government-owned daily and Sunday newspaper

La Tribune (Algiers)

Tunisia Online (Tunis)
News reports from the Tunisia Information Service

UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (Nairobi)
Updates on conflicts and news from all sub-Saharan regions

Vanguard (Lagos)
Major daily newspaper published in Lagos

Visafric (Toronto)
Website devoted to Eritrean news, information and products
Archive only Nov 1999 - May 2001

WOZA (Johannesburg)
South African news and information website

Wal Fadjri (Dakar)

Weekly Trust (Kaduna)
Weekend edition of the "Daily Trust": see above

World Algerian Action Coalition (Washington, DC)
Daily updates and translations from Algeria

Zimbabwe Independent (Harare)
Independent newspaper published on Fridays

Zimbabwe Standard (Harare)
Independent Sunday paper, sister publication of Zimbabwe Independent

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Beware of Europeans' Trojan Horse Strategy
Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2002

by Ben J. Hanson

THE latest strategy being imposed by the Europeans on the awakening African states is the idea of a government of national unity.

After all, who can argue with that concept? Don't we all want peace and unity? Are these two not the major prerequisites for stability and development?

But let us examine this in practical terms. Many of us lived in the UK for years, and many more know its history from our academic studies.

It is a fact that even when the winning party had a majority of two, it never considered a government of national unity. Did Mrs Thatcher incorporate the Labour Party, thus forming a government?

Has Tony Blair's Labour Party thought of inviting the Conservatives into government?

Has either the Conservatives or the Labour once invited the Liberals, regardless of the proportion of the votes they secured, to join in a government of national unity? So why impose the concept on African states?

Now, let us look at the unfolding scenarios in Africa and in Southern Africa in particular and see if we can discern a sinister pattern emerging as we are led by the noses, into governments of national unity.

First, we are told by the Europeans that a one-party state is a dictatorship and dictatorships are evil. We must have multi-party democracy. So we agree. However, in strategic states and regions such as ours, it is the Europeans who take the initiative in selecting, organising and strategising the opposition parties.

Case No. 1 Zambia:

The MMD, like the MDC here in Zimbabwe, was created by external forces and interests from the trade union movement.

When it won the elections which ousted the Unip of Kenneth Kaunda, there was no call for, let alone insistence on a government of national unity. Instead, every effort was made to destroy the former ruling party turned-opposition!

However, when the once "darling" party (MMD) awakened to the fact that it was merely a tool of imperialism to destroy the roots of its own existence by selling its assets and sovereignty to the interloper that party was ditched and a new puppet created.

Every effort was made to install it in office. If the MMD had lost, it is clear that there would have been no call for a government of national unity.

Case No. 2. South Africa:

In 1994, the ANC won the first democratically run elections outright. Nelson Mandela, the grand old man of the liberation struggle and a world icon, had been emasculated by 27 years of incarceration and made innocuous and docile by being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Politically, he was doing the right thing. De Clerk was brought in as co-president (who has ever heard of such a ridiculous thing?). He soon realised that the arrangement could not work so he pulled out.

Now, President Mbeki, who is proving to be "wayward" as far as the West is concerned, must be brought back in line.

He has been pressured into accepting the NNP as a partner in a government of national unity.

Did the West at any time during the struggle pressure the National Party to accept the ANC as a partner in government? No!

The real purpose here is to ensure that the ANC is weakened from within and eventually either destroyed or become ineffective in pursuing policies beneficial to the majority of its too-long disadvantaged constituents, particularly with regard to land reform.

Case No. 3. Mozambique:

For over ten years, the US and South Africa sponsored and supported the Renamo bandits to destabilise and create mayhem in that country.

When the Zimbabwean army helped to prevent a take-over by the externally created and sponsored movement, the enemy re-thought its strategy.

Renamo was organised and given a new image as a party with all their atrocities forgiven and forgotten, except by the traumatised people.

When they did not win the elections, they threatened to return to the bush and kill more of their fellow citizens. Now that President Chissano won, will they be persuaded/pressured into forming a government of national unity? I doubt it very much!

Case No. 4 Angola:

Unita rebels conducted the longest running and most brutal war in African history. In this, they were aided and abetted by the Western countries.

When in 1992 they were pressured into contesting a national election, they lost.

Rather than gracefully accepting the vice-president's office he had been offered, power-hungry Jonas Savimbi attempted a military coup.

When that failed he went back to the bush and continued with his destruction of the country and the traumatisation of the ordinary people.

Why was he not further pressured into joining a government of national unity?

He was too dominant a figure for the West to totally control and once he got into office they were not sure he could be depended on.

So now that President Mugabe has changed the dynamics of the region and the thinking of most of its leaders, there is urgent need for a change of strategy on the western front, ie, Angola.

Hence, in my view, Savimbi, having served his purpose, and having become a rabid dog, was clinically eliminated.

Dos Santos and Chissano were summoned to see the Emperor in Washington and told not to seek re-election just in case any of them might have been reconsidering his stated decision to step down.

Dos Santos was ordered to make peace quickly with the former butchers and forgive all the atrocities they had committed on innocent civilians.

There should be no bringing to justice for these African terrorists. Would Emperor Bush have been so magnanimous if a few precious American lives had been taken by those Unita terrorists?

Now it is unlikely that Unita, given its past infamous record and lack of popularity with the people, will win any free and fair elections.

But if the "international community", including the US and the EU, who are experts at ensuring the victory of their preferred candidates, are called in to organise and monitor those elections, who knows? Even the people who were killed may rise up and vote for a ritually cleansed Western-backed Unita.

Case No. 5. The DRC:

Everyone knows how well Mobutu Sese Seko served the interests of the West to the detriment and destruction of his own people.

When Laurent Kabila with Cde Mugabe's assistance took over, the West had him eliminated because he was perceived as being inimical to their interests.

The intention was to get rid of young Joseph at the same time also. I well remember that the first report emanating from Brussels stated that both father and son had been assassinated.

Joseph received his military training in China and not in Brussels, Sandhurst (UK) or West Point (US). He, therefore, cannot be fully trusted to follow instructions from the West.

Now that the peace talks are underway, the Western-backed rebels are pushing for a suspension of the young President Kabila's government until elections are held. Why? Because, if he remains in power during the interim, he would be in a position to influence the outcome of the election in some way.

After all, it is common knowledge that everywhere the incumbent government has some advantage, some edge, however small, in an election campaign.

I am sure that if Kabila's party should win the upcoming elections, there will be no call for and no Western insistence on a government of national unity.

Case No. 6. Zimbabwe:

Zanu-PF and politically astute Zimbabweans realise that we do not need another unity accord.

What we need now is a strong opposition (which, as we all know, is already in place) which is patriotic, willing always to make the interests of Zimbabwe paramount.

It does not matter how long a party in a Western country remains in opposition, it is never brought into government.

It may be consulted, but never given a chance to undermine the ruling party from within! That (undermining the Govern-ment), I believe, is the proposed and expected role of the MDC in this country. Because if they had won, I am sure and so are the Zanu-PF Politburo members, the MDC would not have been instructed to form a government of national unity.

The first duty that would have been demanded of them would have been the arrest and utter humiliation of President Mugabe.

I am hoping that the South African and Nigerian teams sent here to facilitate negotiations will not try to be surrogates of the West. We Africans are so good at selling our own into slavery.

I am saying to Zanu-PF, if the facilitators cannot persuade the MDC leadership (with or without Mr Tsvangirai) to accept their defeat gracefully and graciously, and spend some more time as the opposition, organising themselves and learning the ropes of serious politics, then there should be no deal.

The scenario I have outlined so far chronicles a series of African states in this region which are being brought under the hegemony and tutelage of the West through puppet governments.

Already, the MDC parliamentarians are under the tutelage of Canadians, with whom they are officially twinned.

Prof Welshman Ncube should be warned that should he be chosen to replace Mr Tsvangirai, and resist being dictated to by his handlers, he should expect the same fate as that of Zambia's former president Chiluba sooner than later, because he is an astute man, and I hope a real African.

In conclusion, until the West makes a coalition government, like they had made democracy the political norm of the day, we should not be persuaded or coerced into playing their games which will only lead to our destruction and re-enslavement.

We do not need to hear the voice of Jacob but feel the hand of Esau, the hunter.


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Britain wants to maintain stranglehold on Zimbabwe
Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2002

By Lovemore Mataire

WHEN the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cde Stan Mudenge, concluded that by continuously reneging on its commitment to the Abuja agreement and ganging up against the country, Britain was attempting to recolonise Zimbabwe many sceptics did not take his assertions seriously.

Several months down the line the real motives of the British have now come out in the open as revealed by a senior aide to Mr Tony Blair who called for a return to colonialism.

British foreign affairs adviser Robert Cooper was quoted in the British Mirror saying the West needed to invent a new kind of imperialism.

"The opportunities, perhaps even the need for colonisation, is as great as it ever was in the 19th century," he said.

If there were some people who were doubtful about the real intentions of the British in Zimbabwe then Mr Cooper’s statements must convince them, that the former colonial master does not want to let go of his stranglehold on Zimbabwe.

The arrogance of the British and its imperialist expansionist policy was summed up when Mr Cooper further added: "The weak will need the strong and the strong still need an orderly world. A world in which the efficient and the well-governed export stability and liberty, which is open for investment and growth, seems eminently desirable."

Unashamedly, the foreign affairs adviser said Afghanistan showed what could happen if the West did not intervene in the Third World. Terrorists were using failed states as bases to attack "orderly" nations. MORE

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Africa Seeks Rwanda, Zimbabwe Pullout From Congo
Posted: Tuesday, April 2, 2002

LUSAKA (Reuters) - African leaders started talks on Wednesday to end war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and diplomats said the summit was piling pressure on Rwanda and Zimbabwe to withdraw their armies from the former Zaire.

Six African states have troops in the war dubbed Africa's World War One, but the diplomats said the two had the biggest deployment, and that a firm commitment was needed from Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe to implement a peace deal.

Rwanda has over 20,000 troops in the Congo while Zimbabwe has deployed around 15,000 troops, they said. MORE

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Reporter in Zimbabwe Ordered Freed
Posted: Sunday, March 31, 2002

HARARE, Zimbabwe –– A High Court judge on Sunday ordered police to free a Zimbabwean correspondent for a British newspaper who had been detained for allegedly violating severe new media laws.

Judge Mohammed Adam said he found no reason for the continued detention of Peta Thornycroft, 57, a Harare-based correspondent for the British Daily Telegraph and two South African newspapers.

Thornycroft was arrested Wednesday in Chimanimani, 300 miles southeast of Harare, lawyer Tapiwanashe Kujinga said. MORE

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Washington adds bishop of Harare to sanctions list
Posted: Saturday, March 30, 2002

Washington has added the Anglican bishop of Harare and Zimbabwe's richest businessman, who is a UK resident, to its list of Robert Mugabe's close associates subject to sanctions.
The Americans say the listing of politicians, generals and senior civil servants as banned from the US, and the freezing of their assets there, is designed to punish those who help keep Mr Mugabe in power or who profit from his rule. The spouses and children of those named are also barred from the US.

Washington is consulting the European Union to coordinate measures against the named individuals. The EU is expected to announce its own expanded blacklist before long.

The latest subjected to personal sanctions include Bishop Nolbert Kunonga, who has divided the Anglican church in Zimbabwe by his outspoken support for land seizures and his derision of Mr Mugabe's black opponents as puppets of the west. MORE

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