Zimbabwe: Our sovereignty not negotiable
Posted: Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Herald --Opinion
June 26, 2008
EVENTS since Sunday have exposed the Anglo-Saxon game plan, that is regime change in Zimbabwe at all costs even if it means trashing the Constitution to get their man, Morgan Tsvangirai, into power.
This should come as a sobering thought to all who have been swayed by Western claims that London and Washington's support for Tsvangirai is in pursuit of good governance, rule of law and democracy.
We all know the Westerners' record on these values, and we would have to be monumental fools to believe their rhetoric.
It all began with Tsvangirai's announcement on Sunday that he was withdrawing from the run-off, a position legal experts – even those close to him – have since dismissed as untenable and unconstitutional.
This move was meant to set the stage for the extra-judicial attempts to anoint Tsvangirai president of Zimbabwe.
We saw this manifest in attempts by Britain and the US to effect a coup through the Security Council which they wanted to declare Tsvangirai the "legitimate president of Zimbabwe" yet we have a binding Constitution detailing how the presidency is elected.
When that move was shot down by progressives, came Tsvangirai's call for a military invasion of Zimbabwe, which was immediately echoed by Washington, which threatened unspecified action, should the run-off proceed.
Tsvangirai, yesterday, wrote an opinion piece in the British newspaper, The Guardian, calling for the deployment of a foreign military force that he said should oversee "transition".
We could not help but remember reading similar language in a document titled, "The Transition Strategy", that exposed how Tsvangirai approached the British government grovelling for a military offensive.
Though MDC-T leaders disowned the document, which set conditions for a virtual return to Rhodesia, their utterances and actions have since confirmed our worst fears.
As we report elsewhere in this issue, the Anglo-Saxon alliance has emerged as the real power behind Tsvangirai and his MDC-T as they are threatening military action and further sanctions if the run-off is not cancelled.
We find it odd, though hardly surprising, that at every stage of this campaign and even the previous one, Tsvangirai's statements and positions have always dovetailed with those from London and Washington.
If anyone had any doubt as to the identity of the forces confronting us today, those doubts should be dispelled by the voices around Tsvangirai today.
As Zimbabweans we will never bow down to threats from, and accept to be lectured by the evil regimes in London and Washington.
We won our right to self-determination 28 years ago, after a bitter 14-year struggle against the Smith regime that had the tacit support of London and Washington.
What is more, over the past eight years we have withstood concerted attempts at economic strangulation, again largely on our own.
As such, we cannot begin now to take instructions from anyone, let alone our avowed enemies.
Our independence and sovereignty are not negotiable, never to be sacrificed for political expediency.
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