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Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Crash a Genuine Accident - UK
Posted: Monday, March 9, 2009

March 09, 2009
The Herald

Harare — THE United States and British governments, who admit to jointly owning the Nissan UD truck that side-swiped Prime Minister Tsvangirai's vehicle along the Harare-Masvingo highway on Friday evening, killing his wife, Susan on the spot say the crash was a genuine accident.

The admission comes in the wake of speculation in certain quarters that the crash may not have been an accident.

"We can confirm that the truck was operated by a project jointly funded by the United States and United Kingdom.

"All indications are that this was a genuine accident," the British Foreign Office said yesterday.

The Foreign Office said the truck, owned by the United States Agency for International Development and driven by one Chinoona Mwanda (35), was delivering HIV and Aids drugs for a project co-funded by the US and British governments and run by the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council, when the accident occurred.

Mwanda, on Saturday led police through accident indications on the scene, which has been identified as a black spot.

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