MDC-T does not respect rule of law
Posted: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
EDITOR — MDC-T has shown lack of knowledge on governance issues by announcing the infamous disengagement at a time when Zimbabwe was hosting its biggest ever tourism exposition, the Sanganai/Hlanganani World Travel and Tourism Africa Fair and on the eve of the Cosafa Senior Challenge Cup.
The tourism expo attracted 300 international investors, tourist wholesalers, buyers and 40 international media houses, all of which saw Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai score an own goal.
In Africa, when two brothers are fighting, they stop the brawl as soon as a visitor appears and welcome him/her together. The brawl may, of course, resume as soon as the visitor leaves.
It was akin to shooting ourselves in the feet that as international investors were negotiating deals with the business community in Zimbabwe, PM Tsvangirai was busy throwing spanners in the works.
As Prime Minister, Mr Tsvangirai must have known that the whole country cannot lose important investment opportunities because of Roy Bennett, who is facing criminal charges like any other suspect.
MDC-T should know that the rule of law they talk a lot about involves going through court procedures step by step, once one is taken in as a suspect. MDC-T must practise what it preaches. Bennett must answer to the charges, get convicted or cleared.
My mother here in Dande must not suffer from economic sanctions imposed on this country because President Mugabe has not protected Bennett.
Why should he protect Bennett or why should MDC-T want President Mugabe to protect Bennett, or any other suspect for that matter?
What is the future of Zimbabwe when a political group like the MDC-T seeks to protect a suspect, without going through full trial?
It is clear that if left alone the MDC-T would violate the law at will.
Edna Mukotami
The Herald
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