
On the knife-edge
Posted: Thursday, March 21, 2002

AFRICA CONFIDENTIAL - Quietly, within days of the widely-criticised 10-12 March presidential election, the outline of a deal between Zimbabwe's warring political parties emerged. After two years of rising tension, with one of Africa's most hopeful economies heading for the abyss, it looked like the last chance for political peace. Brokered by South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki and Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo, the deal proposes: a coalition government with ministers from all parties and some non-partisan figures; a review of recent oppressive laws on public assembly and the media; full implementation of the Abuja agreement stipulating orderly land redistribution, to be financed by Britain and international financial institutions. Also under discussion is the dropping of treason charges against Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, and its Secretary General, Welshman Ncube. Tsvangirai was formally charged on 20 March in a move that will make negotiations even more problematic. MORE 

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